Not more then a decade back, people use to complain about the stuff which they have bought, or the service whoch they have have got from a company to the friends or known to people. Then an era turned up where in people started using mass media like papers, magzines etc. However, that still had a short range. Now, the outlook of people is changing and they are more concerned about the money they have spent. So they have stopped cribing and have started taking action. That is why Consumer forums have been introduces. Now, Consumer Forum has been introduced which gives distressed costumers to raise their issues against discrimination. Befor we can say anythng about the consumer forum or can use them, we will have to understand that what they mean. A consumer forum is a legal way of filing ones complaint so that complaints are heard and legal actions could be taken against them. In a Consumner Complaints Forum, one just has to file an online Consumer Complaint. So, in short we can say that they are cost friendly and the best way to rase your voice.
Government is taking many steps so that people should be aware of there consumer rights. The biggest concern is people at mass are yet not aware of there consumer rights. Consumer Forum helps to protect the costumer rights.Organizations have social responsibility towards customers. They are accountable for customer protection. An act like this can taint one’s image.
Everybody should know that if they have faced something like a fraud, they must lodge a complaint in the consumer complaints forum India. At first, one might feel apprehensive about filling a consumer complaint and getting involved with all the legal procedure, but later he will come to know that it is an easy way of complaining one’s complaints. Here one doesn’t have to run from pillar to post in search of a lawyer and doesn’t have to bear the brunt of heavy dues.
In a consumer forum, one has to fill up an online consumer complaint form and write about the queries. The complaint will be answered by the team of experts who will give advice on the legal procedures to be followed. The process saves a lot of time and even a lot of undue cost. Consumer forum helps to protect consumer rights. Our Government has implemented six consumer rights. The six rights are Right to Safety, Right to Information, Right to Choice, Right to be heard, The Right to Redress, The right to consumer education. As a consumer we expect that the six rights which have been implemented by the Government should be strictly executed by the organizations to safeguard costumer protection.
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